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Welcome To My Portfolio

My name is Lev Danneman and I am a fullstack developer with a strong emphisis in React, React-Native, and NodeJS Development

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Bermad Company Site

Bermad is a water valve manufacturing company that I am currentyl employed by. Using React-Native-Web and yarn workspaces we use a monorepo to create componets for both the mobile application and web app. Through the app the client is able to cointrol and adjust water pressure remotely as well as irrigation times and cycles.

  • React Native
  • React Native Web
  • GraphQL

Pet Adoption

One of the first full-stack applications I created; this pet adoption website is a simple example of an e-commerce website The user is able to browse the available pets on the site and can request to adopt a pet. Once requersted the admin can approve or decline the request. This application is created with React on the frontend and nodeJS on the backend.

  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • MongoDB

Sticky Notes Pinboard

This simple yet ellegent project is a note taking application. The notes app is made to resemble a sticky notes thumbtacked to a pinboard. This app was made with React legacy classes and some clever CSS

  • React
  • Javascript
  • CSS

Shift Hackathon Project

This app was created during a two day hackathon. The front-end is coded in React and the back-end in nodeJS. The app helps doctors schedule patients and avoid no-shows. This app was created in collaboration with both fullstack developers and data scientists.

  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Express


I've worked with a number of different web technologies, including: React, React-Native, NodeJS, Express, GraphQL, SQL & MongoDB

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React | React-Native

  • Back-end

    Experience with
    Node | Express | Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    Figma | Canva | CSS

About Me

I excel at working in fast paced work enviroments. My collleagues describe me as nonjudgmental and willing to help in any scenario. I thrive in work enviroments that are cohesive and productive. In the past I have worked in small to large sized companies and see the value in both. Please feel free to reach out to me if you are in search of a developer.